The following pages are for basic understanding of electric propulsion without going technical.

Electric Origins page gives a brief background on when electric were first mass produced and where it stands today. The Gas/Diesel Comparison page is just that, a few ways to compare gas and diesel inboards with their electric counterparts. Range and Speed might be the most frequently asked questions. Boaters want to know what distance they can travel and for how long. Costs is probably the next most  asked. You might find a few surprises here.  Environmental Benefits should be understood. Clean air, water and land are essential. Global environmental  issues are quickly moving to the center of the radar screen not only for environmentally-conscious people, but local, state and federal regulators and politicians. Electric propulsion is better for the environment  than all other mechanically propelled systems.

The Learn pages are a starting point for more in-depth learning about electric propulsion. For more, dig deeper in the Resources pages and please send your thoughts!   

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